Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[FREE] Don't Say Goodbye

There I stood at gate C, head down and arms crossed. It was the same process every year but it never seemed to get any easier. I turned to face the man at my right. His eyes watched the planes arrive and depart as if they put him in a trance. We never talked much until I was told it was time for me to board. I always chose to go last to achieve the maximum time possible. That’s all I wanted: time. The scratchy voice on the intercom startled me as it called my name. The part of my trip I dreaded the most had come.
                “It’s time to go honey,” my dad whispered.
I couldn’t even manage a reply as we stood up in unison and walked towards the large metal door. The ticket handler, as usual, gave me a cheesy underpaid smile and told me to say my goodbyes. My dad quickly embraced me in a hug that made my eyes fill with tears. Every time I promised I wouldn’t cry. That I would be strong because being weak didn’t help anyone. And every time I failed.
                “I love you brat,” my dad said.
                “I love you too,” I answered.
I stepped back from him and tried my best to breath steadily.
                “Text me when you’re safe at home.”
                “Okay,” I mumbled, “Bye Dad.”
He grabbed me and pulled me in for one last hug.
                “Don’t say goodbye. I’ll you see you again,” my dad said trying to comfort me,” As soon as possible.”
If you consider one year away soon then he was telling the truth. There was no need to say anything more so I began to make my way down the hall to plane where I was the last boarding. But before I turned the corner I made sure to take one last look. It hurt knowing how much I would miss him. Although, it’s hard to say you’ll miss what you never had.


  1. I'm stuck as to whether this is fact or fiction...either way, it is very emotional...
