Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[CE] Simply Heroes

Despite all the negative events happening in the world, we can occasionally find hope in the most unlikely situations. This video just warms my heart know what people are capable of. This group of strangers could have easily ignored the flames and looked ahead, leaving the man to burn into ashes. But instead they stopped what they were doing and huddled around the intense flames. They couldn’t pull him out with the car on top of him so they did the unthinkable. They lifted the 4000 pound car, just high enough to pull the man out from under.
If you were this man who was saved, how would you possibly give enough thanks to the ones who saved you? They gave him the gift of continuing to live life. We tend to forget how precious life is and how lucky we are to still be enjoying it. Some may look at this video and say they would have done that, without a second thought. But I doubt this to be the truth. When you’re faced with a situation like this one most would get flustered and begin to panic. Who wouldn’t want to be called a hero and muster up the courage to lift a car that is shooting flames in all directions? I know I would but I don’t do well under pressure so I’m not sure of how I would have reacted.
Every man and woman who helped save this man in some way is a hero. A hero I have amazed respect for.

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