Monday, September 5, 2011

[FREE] A Little About Moi(:

                So, as it turns out, my first blog ever is going to be about me. I’m a pretty easy-going type person so I don’t know how fascinating this is going to turn out, but I’ll give it a shot.
                First I’ll talk about the job I’m interesting in pursuing. For a long time I was determined to be an animator at Pixar, but now I’m not too sure. I’ve seemed to take an interest in crime scene investigating. With the Pixar career I was nervous that I would get bored working at a desk all day, but I learned with being a crime scene investigator, that wouldn’t be a problem. CSIs are always moving, whether it’s at the scene, in the lab, preserving evidence, or even testifying in court. Also I’d be able to give justice and closure to the victims involved in homicides, suicides, rapes, robberies, and natural deaths. It sounds fun to me but not an ideal job for everyone, especially if you’re the squeamish type.
The main things that shape me as a person are my hobbies. My two favorite things to do are playing my guitar, and writing. Music is an amazing thing. It allows you to express yourself ways that’s relatable to other people. I love to find the chords to my favorite songs and learn to play them. And occasionally, I’ll write my own songs (lyrics and chords) to describe something that I went through. After writing a song I feel a sense of accomplishment and closure. Sometimes it helps me to write a song about a negative experience. It helps me move on.
My second favorite hobby is reading and writing. I consider those two to go together as a pair. My favorite genres of books are adventures, thrillers, and fantasies. The best series in the world, in my eye, is Harry Potter. I am a complete Harry Potter nerd and always will be. When a movie comes out based on the book, it’s never as good. Although it is fun to see the world that you read about, I still find it more intriguing to use your imagination as your read. The whole idea of getting lost in a good book is what I look forward too. Now writing is even better than reading. I’ve always found writing enjoyable. Not the kind you do in school with set topics and guidelines, but writing about whatever crosses your mind. You can create a whole world with your own characters and your own story plot, and no one can tell you you’re wrong! Besides, it’s just a bonus if people enjoy it.
 Since I’m on the topic of writing, I might as well talk about my writing goals for this year. For one, I would really love it if I was able to expand my vocabulary. Since I do enjoy writing, it would be nice to use different verbs and adjectives instead of the same ones that get overused.  Another skill I would like to work on is how to write dialogue. I’m not too familiar with writing conversations but would like to be. By the end of this school year I would like to be able to write a smooth, flowing dialogue with the correct punctuation.  
That’s about all you’ll need to know for now. I hope you enjoyed learning about me!


  1. This is great; I feel like I just learned a ton about you. It's great to have you in my class, and I hope I'll be able to help you move forward tons on your writing goals!

    I too am a guitarist and sometime-songwriter. (Although I'm not much of a lyricist.) So that jumped out at me too of course!

    Any plans on how you're going to use this blog? It sounds like you may be branching out to do short stories or other kinds of fiction here...which would be great! I hope you follow through with your writing instinct and "create a whole world with your characters"...Looking forward to reading some!

  2. That's cool you play guitar too! And I'll probably be writing a lot of short stories as my free posts.Some fiction and non-fiction. The posted one in class today is a true story and I found it really fun to write.
