Thursday, September 8, 2011

[RE] The Tragedy of 9/11

 "I know that even though the caught and killed Bin Laden there will always be questions about what provoked him and why he organized such a terrible attack. Yet again he wasn't called a terrorist for nothing. Right?"
The quote above is pulled from Brianna Ramchandani’s blog. Click on her name to go to her post.
 This Sunday will be the 10th anniversary of the devastating attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon.  It’s always an emotional event when it comes around, more for some than others. This quote explains what is likely on everyone’s mind at some time or another. Yes, we found and killed Bin Laden, but he was only one of the leaders that created the disaster we know as 9/11. They are still out there and who’s to say they won’t strike again? We’ve all seen the major changes in airports since the event and that was put there to reassure Americans that the government was and is making sure there won’t be another 9/11. We can try our hardest to make sure it will never happen again but is always still a chance we could slip up or they could beat our system. Hopefully we’ll never get to that point. My dad is over in Afghanistan at this very moment doing his duty as a 1st sergeant. There’s always a fear in the back of my head that something could go wrong, but I try to stay positive. I just hope one day we can settle our differences and end this war, life wasn’t meant to spend worrying.   

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