Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RE] So Called "Friends"

"Being friends with someone doesn't mean you have to treat them like toys. Toys as in you play with them only when you're bored, not because you love that toy."
                                                    This quote is from Bridget Kim's blog.

Practically every kid will have to go through this one time or another. I’ve gone through it before and I know what it feels like firsthand. Friends that I have had in the past have wanted to hangout only because they had no one else to do so with. Or some pretended to be my friend to get something out of me. And I’m over it; you should never call those types of people your “friends”. Real friends will hangout with you because they want to and they enjoy it. Maybe one day they’ll grow up and realize that they can get way more out of life with a few real friends than making a lot of fake ones.
Kids can be mean, but the way they come off “mean” differs from elementary school to high school. In elementary school it was a childish mean. Sticking your tongue out, not playing with them at recess, hogging the crayons, etc. In middle school it gets a little more intense. From public fist fights, to unending arguments, to being the odd one out while picking teams in PE. Its three years jam-packed with drama. Now high school takes a different approach. We like to be mean in almost a silent manner. For example, if we’re mad at someone we tend to ignore them. We also love to gossip. Everyone does it, and honestly it’s hard not to. And now with access to websites like Facebook, we are now able to cyber bully other people. This is one of the most popular forms of bullying because you’re not face to face with the person you’re trash talking. But guess what? Words hurt; said in person or written.

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