Thursday, September 15, 2011

[CE] Toyko Games Show

The technology in this video is amazing. I, for one, am fan of video games. I don’t play them daily but do enjoy them when I get the chance. The idea of having a phone that is also a gaming device will definitely be a success when they decide to put it on the market. A lot of kids who love playing video games don’t play them as often because it’s a drag to have to carry around the console. Yet kids always have their phones on them. So if you combined the two, kids would only have to carry one device around which is obviously more appealing. I would definitely buy one if they were sold at cellphone companies today. I have also noticed the increased popularity of social gaming as explained in the video. Many friends I have (mostly guys) use their x-box 360 to play with friends in a variety of different games or maybe even play against random opponents. Social gaming seems to increase the interest factor to most gamers. At the end of this video there is a man shown playing a driving video game. What amazes me about this game is that the man isn’t using a controller. I am still blind to how this is possible. At Disneyland this past summer, inside Innovations, I play Kinectimals on Kinect for x-box 360. In the game you interact with an animal by moving around (without a controller) in front of the Kinect, which is a camera that observes your movements. For example, if you went through the movement of throwing a stick, your character would actually throw one and you would watch your animal run and retrieve it. Well, you get the point. The technology today continues to push boundaries, so I can’t wait to see what surprises await us in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Video games are indeed really cool :) I also love toying with new technologies! I wish my phone had the capacity for an RPG or something and instead I get this lame, terrible Tetris rip-off.
    Though, smartphones seem to be on the right track! I also can't wait to see what they'll come out with next. It's my dream to work in the video game industry :O
