Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] The Big Bang Theory

I don't expect anyone to watch this whole thing but maybe just take a glance at it.

I don’t know if this is considered a “current event” but it’s an event that I currently want to talk about so, I guess I will. We were talking about this in Chemistry today and it just made me really depressed. Mr. Joo told us that at one time the whole universe was together and then it expanded (the Big Bang Theory) creating the universe we know today. But the thing is the universe is still expanding and once it reaches a certain distance, gravity will stop it, and begin to pull the universe together. Later on when the universe is one again the Big Bang Theory may happen again. Of course if this does happen it wouldn’t occur till several generations beyond ours. But it still astonishes me.
It’s not just the idea of the Big Bang Theory that fascinates me but the idea that this has happened before. Because if our universe is beginning to come together and perhaps recreate the big bang theory why couldn’t this have happened in the past? We could possibly be the hundredth generation this has happened to. The hundredth universe created. The hundredth generation to be wiped out by the Big Bang Theory.
Am I the only one who finds this terrifying? And what if we do have another universe created by the Big Bang Theory and there is no sun? No energy source? Will the next generation be able to survive or even be created? And will we ever find answers to these puzzling questions?

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