Friday, October 7, 2011

[CE] Endangered Mountain Gorillas

 One interesting fact shared in this video is that gorillas shared 98% of their DNA with humans. That’s a huge percent! I knew they physically looked similar to us but I wasn’t aware of how similar we were biologically. The safari guide refers to the mountain gorillas as “his cousins that live in the wild”. This is a sweet way to see the species and is also realistic in a way. If only everyone view animals in this light than maybe there wouldn’t be as many endangered species.
 It’s crazy to think that all the mountain gorillas in the whole world live in the same forest in Uganda, Africa, and ironically they are the only gorilla species growing. Although I still find it a bit greedy that the Uganda community is only protecting them due to the arrival of tourists. As long as the tourists stay interested in the endangered gorillas, I guess the species will continue to thrive. Well, at least they’re getting help. It’s better than none, right?
 I was also surprised that the mountain gorillas were so comfortable near people. It’s odd since their species is supposedly endangered from poachers (and human diseases). They’re relatively smart animals so many it’s just that that group of mountain gorillas never witnessed a poacher killing one of their kind.
 It’s sad to hear of endangered species or ones that have gone extinct, especially when we know humans are the cause. It feels weird to know that later generations will never see that species. But luckily new species are being created every day, but we still shouldn’t forget about the struggling species that are with us today.

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