Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[FREE] Jack and Mr. Blue

"Do it already!"
Jack's grip tightened around his homemade wooden slingshot. He watched the bird hop along the wired fence that surrounded the playground.
"Are you chicken?!" Max continued.
Jack turned around, heat rising to his cheeks,"I am not!"
"Well do it then." Max smirked.
Reluctantly, Jack refaced the bird and aimed a stone in its direction. His palms began to sweat and his throat turned dry.
Max quickly grew impatient, "I'm waiting."
With a deep breath Jack let go of the rubber-band and closed his eyes. Soon after he heard a soft thud and victory laughter coming from behind him.
"Way to go Jack!" Max cheered,"You hit that thing dead on!"
Unlike Max, Jack didn't feel like celebrating. His stomach felt heavy and his thoughts were blurred. A cold wave of guilt and shame flowed through him.
"I better get going." Jack announced.
"Aw shucks. I'd thought you'd stay awhile." Max said disappointedly.
Jack simply shook his head and began to walk away. He turned around to see Max leaving in the opposite direction. Now was his chance. He quickly ran to the wired fence and searched the ground. Almost hidden from sight under a bush was a small blue bird. Carefully Jack picked it up and held it in his hand. It was covered in beautiful feathers that matched the shading of the sky. A question painfully found it's way into Jack's head: Is it dead?
To get to the truth Jack gently placed his right index finger onto the bird's chest. He was relived to feel a faint heart beat against his finger. Without a second thought he picked up his slingshot and ran as fast as possible to his house. Suddenly he stopped with his hand on the doorknob. What would his dad say if he saw the bird? Jack decided to tuck in the bottom of his shirt and place the bird inside. Slowly he entered his house and made his way to the stairs.
"There ya are Jack."
Jack smiled politely at his dad who was wiping black grease from his hands.
"I was working out back on the truck when your friend Max came over."
Jack swallowed and continued to stare at his father.
"He told me you shot a bird down." His grin grew as he talked,"Thinking of begin a hunter like your old man?"
He chuckled at his own joke but Jack remained silent.
"Well I'm going to head back outside. See you at dinner."
"See you." Jack answered and waited till his dad left the room.
Then he darted upstairs and hid in his room. He searched his room for supplies to build the bird a temporary home while it healed. He grabbed an old shoe box from his closet and two pairs of socks to cover the bottom of the box.
Jack watched intently as he lowered the bird into the box. But as before it laid emotionless on its side. Then, without a respectful knock, his door flew open and hit the wall.
"What do you think you're doing?" said Annabelle eying his makeshift bed.
"That is none of your business." Jack snapped back.
"But I bet it's dad's."
Jack heavily sighed. His sister always got her way."
"You promise not to tell?"
She eagerly got onto her knees near the box and whispered,"Pinky swear."
"I sho--I mean I found a hurt bird today in the park and I'm going to try and heal it."
"It's so cute!" She squealed,"You name it yet?"
"Did you give it a name?"
"Uhh no." This was the last thing on Jack's mind.
"Let's call it Princess Julia!"
"No way!" Jack said sticking his tongue out in disgust.
Annabelle crossed her arms,"Fine, you name it then."
Jack sat puzzled over a good name for such a unique bird. Its blue feathers were still so intriguing to him.
"Mr. Blue."
"What?! Why do you assume it's a boy bird?"
Jack smiled,"Because blue is a boy color."

Mr. Blue began to slowly move around the next few days and by the end of the week he stood up. Jack and Annabelle combined their allowance to buy bird seeds for Mr. Blue's food. They also took turns feeding him and cleaning his bed. By the end of the second week Jack decided it was time to set him free.

"Do we have to?" Annabelle pleaded.
She insisted she'd tag along with Jack to the park.
"Yes!" Jack said annoyed,"How would you like to be a bird cooped up inside a house where you could never fly again?"
This seemed to silence Annabelle for she didn't talk again till they reached the park. They both stared sadly into the box where Mr. Blue hopped gleefully, excited to feel the cool breeze against his feathers.
"I guess this is it." Jack whispered.
Annabelle smiled into the box,"Bye Mr. Blue. I'll miss you tons! Visit soon ya hear?"
Mr.Blue tilted his head as if saying, "Of course."
The moment had come and Jack reached into the box and pulled out Mr. Blue. He casually stretched out his wings and took off. The children watched him fly away into the trees as if he had never left.
"You think he'll be okay, Jack?"
"I know he will. He's a tough little bird."
Jack felt into his back pocket and pulled out his slingshot. He gripped the ends with both hands and snapped it in half. A smile spread across his face as he tossed it aside and made his way back home with Annabelle.

                                                                        To: Guy Carnegie

1 comment:

  1. There's a Calvino story I need to put in your hands...it's called "Adam, One Afternoon" and this reminded me of it in some ways. Beautiful stuff...There's good sensory detail, dialogue that shows characterization, a plot that evolves well and shows the changes folks go through...all in probably under two pages! Impressive.
