Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] Releasing Noah's Ark

Hey, Ohio? Yeah, how could you guys possible not know or hear of a man keeping over 50 exotic animals on his property? Just wondering because one would think news like that would travel fast. It’s a shame that it had to get to the point where the animals were released for you all to notice.
Where did this 62 year old guy even get these animals? I can understand how he got the bears because those are more common, but the lions and tigers are a different story. Can’t you only find those in zoos or in their natural habitats? I highly doubt there are tigers randomly wandering through Ohio’s forests. Ohio law makers need to get a grip on this situation by making sure no one is allowed to own these kinds of animals. First of all it’s unfair to the animals due to the lack of space and proper care. And secondly it’s a danger to society for an unprofessional to be keeping these animals.
This guy obviously had some personal issues and I don’t blame him for his actions. I don’t think he let the animals go based on knowing they would be killed but more for letting them finally have freedom. Although I think it was careless and cruel for Ohio to shoot practically all the animals. Some of these were rare animals that we should have captured not killed. They basically took the easy way out of a chaotic situation. Ohio, you have a lot of work to do.

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